How Can I Reduce My Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a serious issue for men in Australia as it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. In fact, more men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer with more than 3,000 men dying of Prostate Cancer in Australia every year.

Prostate Cancer starts when abnormal cells develop in the prostate. These abnormal cells can continue to multiply in an uncontrolled way and sometimes spread outside the prostate into nearby parts of the body. Prostate cancer is generally a slow-growing disease and the majority of men with low-grade prostate cancer live for many years without symptoms and without it spreading and becoming life-threatening. However, the high-grade disease spreads quickly and can be lethal. Appropriate management is key.

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Signs and symptoms of Prostate Cancer can include frequent or sudden need to urinate, finding it difficult to urinate, discomfort when urinating, blood in the urine. These symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer, but if any of these are applicable to you, you should go see your GP to get checked.

How can I reduce my risk of Prostate Cancer?

Besides age and genetics, diet and lifestyle have been linked to increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Sedentary Lifestyle has also been linked to increased risk of Prostate Cancer. Evidence shows that regular physical activity and exercise can reduce the risk of developing Prostate Cancer. To try to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer try to engage in 30-60 minutes of exercise every day.

What if I have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer?

The prognosis is often very good if the cancer is detected in its early stages. Treatments include removing the prostate, hormone therapy (medication) and radiotherapy (using radiation to kill the cancerous cells). Physical and emotional pain, lack of sleep, poor diet, changes in hormones, anaemia, and medication can all be factors in inducing cancer-related fatigue in people living with Prostate Cancer.

Although there are many causes of cancer-related fatigue, you don’t have to accept this feeling. Studies show that prostate cancer patients who engaged in regular exercise experienced less overall fatigue and better overall quality of life. Exercise can also help with the psycho-social side of cancer due to the endorphin release following an exercise session, exercise can help with feelings of anxiety and depression associated with prostate cancer while also offsetting the side effects of the prescribed treatments.

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